Our Services
Temporary work | Inland shipping | Maritime/Sea Fishing | Medical sector
Our Services
Currently, the WWLU’s work is focussed mainly on industries in which a lot of Asian personnel are employed across Europe.
Temporary work | Inland shipping | Maritime/Sea Fishing | Medical sector

Conclusion of collective labour agreements
Conclusion of collective labour agreements
Complying with collective labour agreements concluded by the WWLU itself is regarded as one of our core missions. In the workplace is where you will find us!
Enforcing collective agreements
Each time a collective labour agreement is concluded, we ensure that an article is included that familiarizes cross-border employees with the culture of the new country of employment. Important to note is that there are major cultural differences between the many countries on the European continent.
Culture regarding employees who fall under the scope of the concluded CLAs.
Where can I go to do my shopping? Where can I find a doctor, or where is the nearest hospital? What is common and what is uncommon in your (new) country of emplyment? What is different from your home country?
As soon as you come to Europe from another part of the world to start working, you will very quickly notice there are major cultural differences. We are happy to help you become familiar with your (new) country of emplyment. We welcome your questions. Please respond to info@worldwidelaborunion.com

Consultation for employees falling under the scope of CLAs in place.
Are you being paid an appropriate wage? What are you entitled to? Am I entitled to healthcare coverage? Am I being exploited? Do I have to work so many hours? These are examples of some of the questions you may be facing. The WWLU is here to advise you on all these and more. We can offer advice about various areas: from CLAs and the law/regulations, to humane living conditions. We welcome your questions. Please respond to info@worldwidelaborunion.com